The plastic waste generated in bulk production is extremely harmful to the environment, especially when it’s dumped into the grounds or pollution-causing garbage dumps. Hence, it’s necessary to treat and recycle it before it causes harm and deteriorates the soil and its livelihood. Therefore, following EPR rules is mandatory and requires complete cooperation.


 By providing Plastic EPR Services, our aim is to assist organizations meet obligations under PWM Rules by building the EPR plan and work on modalities for the waste collection system.

What is EPR –

 EPR stands for extended producers’ responsibility i.e. brand owners, importers, producers or manufacturers are liable for the treatment and disposal of their post-consumer products. They are required to maintain a proper EPR Action plan to collect back the plastic waste generated due to their products.

Plastic Waste Management

Looking at the alarming volumes of MLP waste (Multi-Layered Plastic Waste), the Plastic Waste Management(PWM) Rules were passed in 2016 making it a mandate to end all the non-recyclable and multi-layered plastic (MLPs) within 2 years. In the following years “multi-layered plastic which is non-recyclable or non-energy recoverable or with no alternate use” were banned.


All Bulk producers, packaging brand owners must meet their market target to channeling the plastic waste (recyclable or non-recyclable multilayer plastic (MLP)) and be responsible for recycling it, which means that all the generated waste is recycled under conditions that displays no harm to the environment. Notice for EPR registration (As per provision 9 (1&2) & 13(2) of PWM Rules, 2016, as amended 2018)


It is now a liability for the manufacturers and sellers of plastic products to gather the waste generated from their production. For example, the brand owners are responsible for their brand packaging, collection, and recycling of the packets and plastic packaging which contain their name. This is an excellent step towards decreasing the quantity of waste generated because the companies have started switching plastic with paper or other recyclable raw materials in order that it is possible to replace the non-recyclable plastic waste with bioplastics or paper which can be easily renewed.


Environmental protection is a priority! Thus, Plastic Waste Management (PWM), collection and recycling of the MLP waste and EPR is crucial and can be completed with the help of PRO (Producer Responsibility Organizations) or private companies which set up treatment plants along with collection mechanisms by providing recyclers and dismantlers. This helps the majority waste to be recycled with ease in operations and thus helps meet the EPR targets during a fast-paced and timely manner.


Alternatively, the channelization of waste could also be done in-house with the producers including reverse supply chain, deploying take-back schemes or fixing collection centers. A sustainable recycling of waste is mandatory for all bulk consumers, producers and makers of electronic and electrical equipment because a sound management of the waste ensures a healthier and safe environment.


EPR is not any more left to the discretion of the doers. For the primary time the State Pollution control panel has introduced the self-healing plan. So anyone and everybody generating any quite plastic or e-waste is liable for its own disposal. Be it offices, commercial establishments, industries or public event holders (marriage functions, religious gatherings, public meetings etc.), all must collect and fork over the waste that was generated or littered in a segregated form and also pay the user fee as per bye-laws of the local bodies.


DCC is here to supply plastic waste management services to all or any brand owners. We are waste segregation. We recover plastic dumped at waste site/landfills. Furthermore, we then segregate plastic from mixed waste. Supply plastic to furnaces and boilers for plastic recycling in order that non-biodegradable plastic/MLP are often used as a source of energy and that we can move toward zero waste mission and a better earth environment.